Staffan Waldo, Associate Professor


Staffan Waldo is associate professor in economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU). Staffan’s research area is economic analyses of Swedish and European fisheries policies. Examples of research questions are fish markets and the effects of fisheries policies on fish-stock development, capacity and profitability. He is also Head of Division of the part of AgriFood that belongs to the department of Economics at SLU, Uppsala.

Does fishery activity affect local tourism? Evidence from Denmark, Marine Policy, Volume 161, 106051
Interactions between Fisheries and Tourism in the Nordic Countries, Rapport TemaNord 2023:518, Nordiska rådet
Are local fisheries important for marine tourism? A case study of the Swedish fishing village Träslövsläge, Regional Studies in Marine Science
Integrating economics into fisheries science and advice: progress, needs, and future opportunities, ICES Journal of Marine Science
Managing Marine Mammals and Fisheries: A Calibrated Programming Model for the Seal-Fishery Interaction in Sweden, Environmental and Resource Economics, 81: 501–530 (2022)
Collecting demographic data for the EU aquaculture sector: What can we learn? Aquaculture 559:738382
The Way the Wind Blows: Tracing Out the Demand for Norwegian Lobster Using Instrumental Variables, Marine Resource Economics
Joint management of marine mammals and a fish species: The case of cod and grey seals in the Nordic-Baltic Sea countries, Natural Resource Modeling, e12341
Can small-scale fisheries survive market-based management? Nordic evidence, Fish and fisheries
Seal interactions and exits from fisheries: insights from the Baltic Sea cod fishery, ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsab173
Study on the main effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the EU fishing and aquaculture sectors, report for the European Commission
Impact of Seafood Imports on the EU Small-Scale Coastal Fleet, EUMOFA report
Local attitudes towards management measures for the co-existence of seals and coastal fishery - A Swedish case study, Marine Policy 118: 104018
Local Fisheries and Thriving Harbors: Is There a Value for the Tourism Sector? Marine Resource Economics 36(2), 2021
Economic and environmental effects of replacing bottom trawling with fishing with creels, The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Local markets and price premiums - The case of the establishment of the Stockholm fish auction, Fisheries Research, volume 236
Price premiums for eco-labelled seafood: effects of the MSC certification suspension in the Baltic Sea cod fishery, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 47(1): 50-70.
The economic costs of seal presence in Swedish small-scale fisheries, ICES Journal of Marine Science 77(2): 815-825
Local Markets and Price Premiums - The Case of the Establishment of the Stockholm Fish Auction
The way the wind blows: Tracing out the demand for Norwegian lobster using instrumental variables
Fishing for nutrients – economic effects of fisheries management targeting eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, Ecological Economics 160, p. 156-167
The Economic Costs of Seal Presence in Swedish Small-Scale Fisheries
Structural Adjustment and Regulation of Nordic Fisheries until 2025, TemaNord 2018:547.
The myth of the poor fisher: Evidence from the Nordic countries, Marine Policy 93, p. 186-194.
Economic effects of reduced bottom trawling – the case of creel and trawl fishing for Nephrops in Sweden
Side-effects of vessel scrapping in Sweden
Fisheries management under nutrient influence: Cod fishery in the Western Baltic Sea, Fisheries Research, Volume 201, May 2018, Pages 109-119.
Scrapping programmes and ITQs: Labour market outcomes and spill-over effects on non-targeted fisheries in Sweden
Impact of a simultaneous reduction in fishing subsidies and introduction of efficient management of rents: The case of the Northwest Spanish fleet. Aquatic Living Resources 31:1-11.
Valuation of Fishing Rights Associated with Swedish Real Estate. Journal of Forest Economics 30:25-31.
Integrated ecological–economic fisheries models -Evaluation,review and challenges for implementation. Fish and Fisheries 19:1–29.
Employment and salary of Nordic coastal fishermen, TemaNord 2017:558.
Socio-economic effects of the Swedish scrapping program, Swedish Board of Agriculture evaluation report 2017:3.
Nordic fisheries and aquaculture: Socio-economic importance of nitrogen nutrient load in the environment, TemaNord 2017:504
Fishing in distant waters - A study on the EU fishery agreements with developing countries, Sieps report 2016:12
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Fisheries – the Case of Multiple Regulatory Instruments in Sweden. Environmental and Resource Economics, 68(2):275-295.
Regulating Multiple Externalities: The Case of Nordic Fisheries, Marine Resource Economics, Vol 31, No. 2, April 2016.
In the Footsteps of their fathers: Exploring Occupational Inheritance in Swedish Agriculture and Fisheries
The income penalty of farming and fishing: results from a sibling approach, European Review of Agricultural Economics pp. 1–18
Time for Fishing: Bargaining Power in the Swedish Baltic Cod Fishery, Marine Resource Economics, volume 30, number 3.
Allocation of fishing rights in the North East Atlantic (NEA), Nordiska Ministerrådet, TemaNord 2015:546
Estimating the return to farming and fishing using a sibling approach
Price Premiums for Providing Eco-labelled Seafood: Evidence from MSC-certified Cod in Sweden, Journal of Agricultural Economics (in print)
Price premiums for providing ecolabelled seafood -A case study of the Swedish MSC-certified cod fishery in the Eastern Baltic Sea
Reducing Climate Impact from Fisheries - A Study of Fisheries Management and Fuel Tax Concessions in the Nordic Countries
Impact study of technical measures in the Swedish Baltic Sea cod fishery (Collaboration between the scientific community and the fishing sector to minimize discards in the Baltic cod fisheries. European Commission MARE/2010/11 – Lot1)
Cod or clupeids? Economic consequences for fisheries operating in different ecosystem states
Towards sustainable fisheries of the Öresund cod (Gadus morhua) through sub-stock-specific assessment and management recommendations, ICES Journal of Marine Science (2013), 70(6):1140–1150
ITQs in Swedish demersal fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science 70(1):68-77
The Swedish Resource Rent Model for the Commercial Fishery (SRRMCF)
Swedish coastal herring fisheries in the wake of an ITQ system. Marine Policy, available online 6 July 2012.
Management of and Economic Returns from Selected Fisheries in the Nordic Countries. Marine Resource Economics 27:65-88
Obstacles to Developing Recreational Fishing Enterprises in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 12(2):121-139
The disadvantage of farming in marginal agricultural regions and the potential loss of environmental values (FACEPA deliverable 7.4)
The influence of landscape services on farm costs: The case of Swedish milk farmers (FACEPA deliverable 7.2)
The Swedish Recreational Fishing Industry. Tourism in Marine Environments 6(4), pp 161-174.
Obstacles for Developing Recreational Fishing Enterprises in Sweden
A note on the economics of Swedish Baltic Sea fisheries
Fixing problems in fisheries – integrating ITQs, CBM and MPAs in management. Marine Policy 33 (2009), 258-263.
Methodology for including environmental outputs in cost and profit functions
Capacity and Efficiency in Swedish Pelagic Fisheries



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AgriFood Economics Centre
att: Staffan Waldo
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220 07 Lund

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