Cecilia Hammarlund, PhD


Cecilia has a phD in Fishery Economics from Lund University. Her research is concerned with fishery economics where she analyses fisher behavior, fish prices and effects of fishery reforms.

Eco-Certification in Aquaculture – Economic Incentives and Effects, Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture
The impact of government support on rural grocery stores - A regression discontinuity approach, Journal of Regional Science
Nutrient policies and the performance of aquaculture in developed countries – a literature review, Aquaculture Economics and Management
Saving countryside shops - does government support increase survival and economic performance of grocery stores in rural Sweden?
The effect of eco-certification on demand: The case of MSC-certified Norway lobster, Ecological Economicss, vol 204, part A, 107661
The Way the Wind Blows: Tracing Out the Demand for Norwegian Lobster Using Instrumental Variables, Marine Resource Economics
You Win Some, You Lose Some: Compensating the Loss of Green Space in Cities Considering Heterogeneous Population Characteristics, Land, 10(11), 1156
Can small-scale fisheries survive market-based management? Nordic evidence, Fish and fisheries
The effect of eco-certification on demand: the case of MSC-certified Norway lobster
Study on the main effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the EU fishing and aquaculture sectors, report for the European Commission
You win some, you lose some - compensating the loss of green space in cities taking heterogeneous population characteristics into consideration
Economic and environmental effects of replacing bottom trawling with fishing with creels, The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Local markets and price premiums - The case of the establishment of the Stockholm fish auction, Fisheries Research, volume 236
Staying or leaving? The effects of university availability on educational choices and rural depopulation, Papers in Regional Science
Local Markets and Price Premiums - The Case of the Establishment of the Stockholm Fish Auction
The way the wind blows: Tracing out the demand for Norwegian lobster using instrumental variables
Fishing for nutrients – economic effects of fisheries management targeting eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, Ecological Economics 160, p. 156-167
What’s in it for Africa? EU fishing access agreements and exports
Structural Adjustment and Regulation of Nordic Fisheries until 2025, TemaNord 2018:547.
What’s in it for Africa? European Union fishing access agreements and fishery exports from developing countries, World Development 113, p. 172-185.
Economic effects of reduced bottom trawling – the case of creel and trawl fishing for Nephrops in Sweden
A trip to reach the target? – The labor supply of Swedish Baltic cod fishermen, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics Volume 75, August 2018, Pages 1-11.
Fisheries management under nutrient influence: Cod fishery in the Western Baltic Sea, Fisheries Research, Volume 201, May 2018, Pages 109-119.
Staying or leaving? – The effects of regional universities on educational choices and rural depopulation
Nordic fisheries and aquaculture: Socio-economic importance of nitrogen nutrient load in the environment, TemaNord 2017:504
Fishing in distant waters - A study on the EU fishery agreements with developing countries, Sieps report 2016:12
Regulating Multiple Externalities: The Case of Nordic Fisheries, Marine Resource Economics, Vol 31, No. 2, April 2016.
Time for Fishing: Bargaining Power in the Swedish Baltic Cod Fishery, Marine Resource Economics, volume 30, number 3.
The Big, the Bad, and the Average: Hedonic Prices and Inverse Demand for Baltic Cod, published in Marine Resource Economics, volume 30, number 2.
A Trip to Reach the Target? – The Labor Supply of Swedish Baltic Cod Fishermen
Reducing Climate Impact from Fisheries - A Study of Fisheries Management and Fuel Tax Concessions in the Nordic Countries
The big, the bad and the average: hedonic prices and inverse demand for Baltic cod
Fish and Ships in the Baltic Sea – Prices, Demand and Management, Licentiate Dissertation, School of Economics and Mangement, Lund University.
Swedish coastal herring fisheries in the wake of an ITQ system. Marine Policy, available online 6 July 2012.




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AgriFood Economics Centre
att: Cecilia Hammarlund
Box 7080
220 07 Lund

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