Support for Policy Relevant Modelling of Agriculture (SUPREMA)

The overall aim of the project is to reduce the gap between expectation of policy makers and the actual capacity of economic agricultural models to deliver relevant policy analysis. AgriFood’s main contribution is the development of the Capri model to ensure consistent results and stable execution of the model. In addition we survey other large-scale agricultural economic models e.g. GLOBIOM, AGMEMOD, MAGNET focusing on the models’ stability, versioning, and governance. The purpose of the survey is to enhance scientific transparency of model applications and to improve the governance of large-scale agricultural economic models.

The project is in collaboration with Eurocare, Thuenen institution, Wageningen Research, JRC, IIASA, and Technical University of Madrid (UPM) The project runs until June 2020 and is financed by the EU.

Responsible: Torbjörn Jansson 


Torbjörn Jansson

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