Gordana Manevska-Tasevska, Associate Professor


Gordana Manevska-Tasevska is associate professor in economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU). Her main research focus is the competitiveness of the agricultural production. In particular she works with efficiency studies that incorporate issues of: resource use, farm structure, behavioural decision making and rural development programs evaluation.

Farm-level acceptability of contract attributes in agri-environment-climate measures for biodiversity conservation, Journal of Rural Studie
Heterogeneity in farmers’ stage of behavioural change in intercropping adoption: an application of the Transtheoretical Model, Agricultural and Food Economics
Does ecologization matter for technical efficiency in crop production? A case of Swedish agriculture, Land Use policy 138, 107068
Farmers' intention towards intercropping adoption: the role of socioeconomic and behavioural drivers, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 21 (1):2270222
Alternative systems and strategies to improve future sustainability and resilience of farming systems across Europe: from adaptation to transformation, Land Use Policy, 134: 106881
Assessing the Impact of Farm-Management Practices on Ecosystem Services in European Agricultural Systems: A Rapid Evidence Assessment, Sustainability, 15:17
A systematic scoping review and content analysis of policy recommendations for climate-resilient agriculture, Climate Policy
Farmers' adoption of ecological practices: A systematic literature map, Journal of Agricultural Economics
Overcoming Barriers to Crop Diversification Uptake in Europe: A Mini Review, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, vol 7, 1107700
European Farmer Perspectives and their Adoption of Ecological Practices, EuroChoices, vol 21, issue 3
Corporate compensation for carbon sequestration in agricultural soil
A resilience-enabling environment for farming systems: patterns and principles, In: Resilient and sustainable EU-farming systems; exploring diversity and pathways, Chapter 18
Integrated assessment of the resilience of farming systems and their delivery of private and public goods, In: Resilient and sustainable EU-farming systems; exploring diversity and pathways, Chapter 17
Adaptability of the High-Value Egg and Broiler Production in Sweden, In: Resilient and sustainable EU-farming systems; exploring diversity and pathways, Chapter 15
Participatory assessment of critical thresholds for resilient and sustainable European farming systems, Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 88, pages 214-226
Questioning the dichotomy: A Latent profile analysis of ecological management practices in Swedish agriculture, Journal of Environmental Management 300: 113770
How are ecological approaches justified in European rural development policy? Evidence from a content analysis of CAP and rural development discourses, Journal of Rural Studies
Understanding farm generational renewal and its influencing factors in Europe, Journal of Rural Studies
Adaptive Governance and Resilience Capacity of Farms: The Fit Between Farmers’ Decisions and Agricultural Policies, Frontiers in Environmental Science vol. 9, 2021
Impact of Covid-19 on farming systems in Europe through the lens of resilience thinking, Agricultural Systems 191: 103152
Policy directions to support generational renewal in European farming systems, Eurochoice, 19(2), 30-36
How do Stakeholders Perceive the Sustainability and Resilience of EU Farming Systems? Eurochoice, 19(2), 18-27
Exploring the regional efficiency of the Swedish agricultural sector during the CAP reforms - multi-directional efficiency analysis approach, Land Use Policy, vol 100
Coupled Agricultural Subsidies in the EU Undermine Climate Efforts, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
Rationalising inefficiency in agricultural production – the case of Swedish dairy agriculture, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 47(1), pp. 1-24
Coupled agricultural subsidies in the EU undermine climate efforts
Explaining the Process for Conversion to Organic Dairy Farming in Sweden: An Alternative Modelling Approach, German Journal of Agricultural Economics 67, 14-30.
Rationalising inefficiency in agricultural production -the case of Swedish dairy production
Impact of Management Practices on Persistent and Residual Technical Efficiency – a Study of Swedish pig Farming”. Managerial and Decision Economics, 01 September 2016
Impact of Management Practices on Persistent and Residual Technical Efficiency – a Study of Swedish pig Farming
Pure and compensated efficiency of Swedish dairy farms, Agricultural and Food Science 25:111-123
The Influence of diversification on short-term and long-term viability in the Scottish and Swedish agricultural sector, Land Use Policy, 49, 404-412
Competitiveness of Swedish agriculture: indicators and driving forces
Input saving possibilities and practices contributing to more efficient beef production in Sweden
Policy impact on farm level efficiency in Sweden: 1998-2008
Farm-level employment and direct payment support for grassland use: A case of Sweden





Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Institutionen för ekonomi
att: Gordana Manevska-Tasevska
Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27
Box 7013
750 07 Uppsala

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