Martin Nordin, Associate Professor


Martin Nordin has a Phd in Economics from Lund University with focus on labor market economics. His research is empirical and concerned with the relationship between education and the labor market. At AgriFood Martin evaluates the effects of the Common Agricultural Policy and analyses labor market related issues within agriculture.

Martin has a personal website which you can access here.

The impact of government support on rural grocery stores - A regression discontinuity approach, Journal of Regional Science
Saving countryside shops - does government support increase survival and economic performance of grocery stores in rural Sweden?
Is a shortage of manure a constraint to organic farming?
Are agri-environmental schemes boosting farm survival?
Staying or leaving? The effects of university availability on educational choices and rural depopulation, Papers in Regional Science
Is super-fast broadband negative? - An IV-estimation of the broadband effect on firms’ sales and employment level
Farmers’ earnings and disposable incomes for Sweden in 1997-2012, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 41(19), p. 153-173
Estimating the impact of agri-environmental schemes on nutrient leaching using a unique combination of data sources, Land Use Policy 75, p. 388-398.
High-speed broadband and academic achievement in teenagers: Evidence from Sweden
Staying or leaving? – The effects of regional universities on educational choices and rural depopulation
Farmers’ earnings and disposable incomes for Sweden in 1997-2012
Do the CAP subsidies increase employment in Sweden? Estimating the effects of government transfers using an exogenous change in the CAP, Regional Sciences and Urban Economics, vol 63, pages 13-24.
An evaluation of extension services in Sweden, Agricultural Economics, available online 11 october 2016.
Estimating the impact of agri-environmental schemes on nutrient leaching using a unique combination of data sources
In the Footsteps of their fathers: Exploring Occupational Inheritance in Swedish Agriculture and Fisheries
The income penalty of farming and fishing: results from a sibling approach, European Review of Agricultural Economics pp. 1–18
Estimating the return to farming and fishing using a sibling approach
Advisory services for nutrient utilisation
Do the CAP Subsidies Increase Employment in Sweden? Estimating the Open Economy Relative Multiplier Using an Exogenous Change in the CAP
Does the Decoupling Reform Affect Agricultural Employment in Sweden? Evidence from an Exogenous Change, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 65, Issue 3, September 2014, p. 616-636.
Does the Decoupling Reform Increase Agricultural Employment in Sweden? Evidence from an Unavoidable Change
Farm-level employment and direct payment support for grassland use: A case of Sweden




046 222 07 91

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AgriFood Economics Centre
att: Martin Nordin
Box 7080
220 07 Lund

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Scheelevägen 15 D
223 63 Lund

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