Mark Brady, Associate Professor


Mark Brady is associate professor in Natural Resource and Environmental Economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), with particular focus on ecologic-economic modeling. His research is mainly on structural and environmental effects on agriculture and the results of agricultural policy. He uses the AgriPolis-model, which he is continuously developing, to analyze the agricultural sector.

Farm-level acceptability of contract attributes in agri-environment-climate measures for biodiversity conservation, Journal of Rural Studie
Potential for mitigating enteric methane emissions from agriculture: a literature review
Climate or biodiversity? Agricultural policy for reducing enteric methane emissions while preserving species-rich grasslands
Assessing the Functionality of Common Agricultural Policy Payment Instruments in Mixed Forestry-Farming Regions
Farmers’ motivations to cultivate biomass for energy and implications, Energy Policy, vol. 193, 114295
Cost-effective biodiversity conservation with organic farming - spatial allocation is key. Biological conservation, vol. 294, 110624
Modelling forests as social-ecological systems: A systematic comparison of agent-based approaches, Environmental Modelling & Software
Agent-Based Life Cycle Assessment enables joint economic-environmental analysis of policy to support agricultural biomass for biofuels, Science of The Total Environment, vol 916
The Helsinki Convention’s agricultural nutrient governance: how domestic institutions matter, Journal of Baltic Studies
Optimizing Species Richness in Mosaic Landscapes: A Probabilistic Model of Species-Area Relationships, Frontiers in Conservation Science 2(57)
Soil carbon insures arable crop production against increasing adverse weather due to climate change, Environmental Research Letters
Cost-effective reduction of nitrogen and phosphorous emissions to the Baltic Sea. WP2 Policy Brief, BONUS TOOLS2SEA.
Promise and performance of agricultural nutrient management in the Baltic Sea countries. WP1 Policy Brief, BONUS TOOLS2SEA
Strengthening the policy framework to resolve lax implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan for agriculture, Ambio, 2021
How unnecessarily high abatement costs and unresolved distributional issues undermine nutrient reductions to the Baltic Sea, Ambio, 2021
Promise and performance of agricultural nutrient management policy: Lessons from the Baltic Sea, Ambio, 2021
A harmonized and spatially explicit dataset from 16 million payments from the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy for 2015. Patterns, 2(4).
Evaluating the contribution of forest ecosystem services to societal welfare through linking dynamic ecosystem modelling with economic valuation, Ecosystem Services volume 39, 101011
Effects of farm type on food production, landscape openness, grassland biodiversity, and greenhouse gas emissions in mixed agricultural-forestry regions, Agricultural Systems, volume 189, April 2021
Payments by modelled results: A novel design for agri-environmental schemes, Land Use Policy, 102: 105230
Billions in misspent EU agricultural subsidies could support the sustainable development goals, One Earth 3(2): 237-250
Impacts of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy “Greening” Reform on Agricultural Development, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
Implementing result-based agri-environmental payments by means of modelling (UFZ Discussion Papers 5/2019)
Evaluating the contribution of forest ecosystem services to societal welfare through linking dynamic ecosystem modelling with economic valuation. Ecosystem Services 39, 101011.
Roadmap for Valuing Soil Ecosystem Services to Inform Multi-Level Decision-Making in Agriculture. Sustainability 11, 5285
A suboptimal array of options erodes the value of CAP ecological focus areas
Passive farming and land development: A real options approach. Land Use Policy 80, p. 32-46.
Improving agricultural pollution abatement through result-based payment schemes. Land Use Policy 77: 209-219.
Collective Implementation of Ecological Focus Areas - Evaluation of the effects on ecosystem services, agriculture and administration, RAPPORT 6816.
Impacts of direct payments – Lessons for CAP post-2020 from a quantitative analysis
Is Passive Farming A Problem for Agriculture in the EU?. J Agric Econ, 68: 632-650.
Representation of the Scanian regions GMB and GSS in AgriPoliS and recent model extensions
Report on ecological-economic models and evaluation of effects of ecological intensification on farm income. LIBERATION project Deliverable 5.4
Impacts of the CAP’s environmental policy instruments on farm structures, agricultural incomes and public goods, MULTAGRI Policy Brief 02:16
Report on Economic Models Calibrated to Case-Study Landscapes
Optimizing intermediate ecosystem services in agriculture using rules based on landscape composition and configuration indices (published in Ecological Economics)
Managing soil natural capital: a prudent strategy for adapting to future risks. Annals of Operations Research, p. 1-25.
Agricultural policy, lock-in and structural change, report from the Swedish Board of Agriculture, in Swedish with an english summary.
Valuing Supporting Soil Ecosystem Services in Agriculture: a Natural Capital Approach
Managing soil natural capital: An effective strategy for mitigating future agricultural risks?, Agricultural Systems 129(0): 30-39.
Managing ecosystem services for agriculture: Will landscape-scale management pay? Ecological Economics 99: 53-62.
SOILSERVICE: Conflicting demands of land use, soil biodiversity and the sustainable delivery of ecosystem goods and services in Europe. (Soilservice Final Publishable Report).
Joint Production of Food and Wildlife: Uniform Measures or Nature Oases? Environmental and Resource Economics:1-19.
Soil food web properties explain ecosystem services across European land use systems
Urban and agricultural soils: conflicts and trade-offs in the optimization of ecosystem services
An agent-based approach to modeling impacts of agricultural policy on land use, biodiversity and ecosystem services (Landscape Ecology:1-19)
How to Design a Targeted Agricultural Subsidy System: Efficiency or Equity? (PLoS ONE 7(8):e41225)
The Interdependence between Rainfall and Temperature: Copula Analyses (The Scientific World Journal 2012:11)
Disaggregated impacts of CAP reforms
Impact of decoupling and modulation in the European Union: A sectoral and farm level assessment
Impact of CAP reform on the environment: some regional results
The Cap and Future Challenges (European Policy Analysis 11 (2009) p 1-13)
Fixing problems in fisheries – integrating ITQs, CBM and MPAs in management. Marine Policy 33 (2009), 258-263.
Impacts of Decoupled Agricultural Support on Farm Structure, Biodiversity and Landscape Mosaic: Some EU Results.
Journal of Agricultural Economics 60(2009) sid 563-585
Methodology for including environmental outputs in cost and profit functions
Environmental Impacts of Decoupled Agricultural Support: a Regional Assessment
Methodology for Assessing the Regional Environmental Impacts of Decoupling: A Focus on Landscape Values



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AgriFood Economics Centre
att: Mark Brady
Box 7080
220 07 Lund

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