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Promise and performance of agricultural nutrient management in the Baltic Sea countries. WP1 Policy Brief, BONUS TOOLS2SEA

Författare: Martin Hvarregaard Thorsøe  Mikael Skou Andersen  Mark Brady  Morten Graversgaard  Emils Kilis  Anders Branth Pedersen  Samuli Pitzén   Helena Valve 

To improve the environmental state of the Baltic Sea there is a need for reducing agricultural nutrient losses. All countries around the Baltic Sea, except Russia, have adopted basic standards for nutrient management; however, there are shortcomings in the national implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan in most countries, particularly in relation to P application limitations, manure storage capacity and cover of manure storage facilities. Furthermore, a range of challenges are not yet addressed, including widespread use of ineffective technologies for manure spreading as well as the absence of standards for mineral fertilizer use, nutrient bookkeeping and the balancing of fertilizer use with crop needs.

Ladda ned Policy Briefen som pdf: Policy Brief

Resultaten baseras på följande publicerade artikel: Promise and performance of agricultural nutrient management policy: Lessons from the Baltic Sea, Ambio

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Martin Hvarregaard Thorsøe

Mikael Skou Andersen

Bild på medarbetare: Mark Brady. Foto.
Mark Brady

Morten Graversgaard

Emils Kilis

Anders Branth Pedersen

Samuli Pitzén

Helena Valve