AgriFood-WP 2017:2

Representation of the Scanian regions GMB and GSS in AgriPoliS and recent model extensions

Författare: Mark Brady  Jordan Hristov 

This report documents the development and validation of two new and intensively farmed regions in the AgriPoliS model: a specialized crop farming region (Götalands södra slättbygder) and a mixed farming region (Götalands mellanbygder). More specifically, we explain the procedures used to develop the new regions (calibration), and the data used to represent the production and investment activities available to farmers. In addition, we document recent extensions of the model that were necessary to evaluate the impacts of the 2013 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform on farm structure, land-use and the environment.

Finally we validate the baseline or benchmark simulation results. No simulation results are presented in this report, other than those from the baseline simulations. Previously the model consisted of two marginal Swedish regions the counties of Jönköping (dominated by forest, i.e. Skogsbygd) and Västerbotten (sub-arctic agriculture, i.e. Norrland). Thus, by adapting AgriPoliS to these two new regions, we now have a model that provides a representative gradient of the predominant agricultural conditions in Sweden and hence are able to provide broader impact assessment of CAP reform.

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Bild på medarbetare: Mark Brady. Foto.
Mark Brady

Jordan Hristov